All Continuing Education Courses (Bundle)
Subscribe to our online bundle and receive access for one year to all of our online courses. We add new courses regularly and all of them offer NPCP continuing education credits. This is the best deal if you are going to take more than one course.
Enrollment is active for one year from the date that you purchase the bundle.
Cost: $375.99

The Amazing Push Through Bar
The push through bar on the trapeze table is a unique apparatus. There is no other apparatus that moves like it in the movement arena. Its rigid arc like movement is an excellent tool for providing feedback, challenge and guidance for shoulder movement. In this course we will discuss healthy movement of the shoulder and how to use the push through bar effectively to bring about healthy shoulder movement in your clients and yourself.
This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass at 70% to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s. Multiple attempts at the quiz are permitted. Following passing the quiz, your CEU certificate is sent to you via email. Please allow 2 hours for this process. After the course closes, you will continue to have access to the information from the course via the PHI Pilates Connect APP.
Course Objectives
- Participants will identify faulty movement characteristics on the push through bar and pair them with shoulder movement faults.
- Participants will identify improper movement on the push through bar to facilitate healthy movement patterns.
- Participants will describe proximal to distal and distal to proximal chain function and dysfunction through PNF patterns.
- Participants will demonstrate 8 series of shoulder exercises on the push through bar and understand the important combination of shoulder and spine movement assisted by a “between chain (not closed or open)” exercise.
CEU’s: PHI 3 and NPCP 3
Instructor: Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed, MPT, ATC, NCPT
Price: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Addressing Spinal Forces on the Cadillac
This workshop presented by Kathy Sanzo, MSPT will demonstrate how the Cadillac or Tower System can both facilitate and challenge spinal movements. With a deep understanding of the longitudinal system of the spine and its supporting structures, this workshop and workout will allow you the opportunity to see and experience the many forces that challenge the spine throughout daily activities. An experienced teacher understands the purpose and function of movement patterns, how to program these movements on the Cadillac, and how they relate to daily life. This workshop will help you create a program that incorporates mobility, stability, flexibility, core strength, balance, and coordination. We will examine new ways to use the equipment, while recognizing and respecting the biomechanical fundamentals.
This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass at 70% to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s. Multiple attempts at the quiz are permitted. Following passing the quiz, your CEU certificate is sent to you via email. Please allow 2 hours for this process. After the course closes, you will continue to have access to the information from the course via the PHI Pilates Connect APP.
Course Objectives
- Define flexion, extension, sidebending and rotational forces on the spine.
- Demonstrate how unilateral movement, or lack of movement, places rotational or sidebending forces on the spine.
- Identify exercises in every plane of motion that can enhance spinal lengthening.
- Discover how the cadillac can enhance ideal recruitment patterns of the postural muscles with open and closed chain exercises.
CEU’s: PHI 3 and NPCP 3
Instructor: Karen Sanzo PT, NCPT
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Back to Basics DVD/Online Course
Focus on your teaching skills with this 8 module online course by Chrissy Ruby. The course comes with a complete film of the 105 minute workshop on DVD and includes online handouts and quizzes. Learn how to effectively cue the Pilates matwork and how and when to modify or progress an exercise. In this course, you will learn how to effectively cue the Pilates mat work and how and when to modify or progress an exercise. This course will set you apart from other teachers and give you the skills to challenge even the most advanced participant.
This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass at 70% to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s. Multiple attempts at the quiz are permitted. Following passing the quiz, your CEU certificate is sent to you via email. Please allow 2 hours for this process. After the course closes, you will continue to have access to the information from the course via the PHI Pilates Connect APP.
Course Objectives
- Students will identify neutral alignment in all body positions.
- Students will recognize loss of alignment during Pilates exercise.
- Students will choose appropriate Pilates exercises for the population they are working with.
- Students will apply Pilates principles to their teaching.
- In this online course, you are required to complete 8 learning modules. Each module includes a video presentation, worksheet, and quiz. Upon scoring 70% on each of the quiz you will receive a Certificate of Completion for the Back to Basics course.
CEU’s: PHI 3 and NPCP 3
Instructor: Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed. MPT, ATC, NCPT
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Gluteals and Their Link to Lower Quarter Dysfunction
Course Description
A lack of recruitment of the Gluteus Maximus is present in many athletes with a history of low back pain, ankle sprain, plantar fasciitis and many other lower quarter injuries. It is undetermined if the dysfunction of the Gluteus Maximus occurred before or after the injury, but this altered motor control pattern exists. This 3 credit hour course will cover the muscles and their functions and review the related research in narrated powerpoint and then you will go to the lab to view mat and reformer exercises to improve this condition. The lab exercises are presented in MP4 files that you can download and keep for future reference. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s.
Course Objectives
- Identify the extensors of the hip and their isolated and integrated functions.
- Define “Gluteal Amnesia” and “Crossed Pelvis Syndrome” and the identifying characteristics in athletes.
- List the lower quarter dysfunctions common in athletes that are linked in research to the lack of recruitment of the gluteals.
- Present ten Pilates based mat or reformer exercises to improve motor control of the gluteals in athletes.
- Identify faulty movement patterns and postures that are associated with poor recruitment of the gluteals.
Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed., MPT, ATC, NCPT
Your CEU certificate will come to you via email after you have completed the entire course. This includes scoring 70% on the quiz at the end of the course. Please repeat the quiz until you score 70%. If you do not receive your certificate, please check your spam folder and if it is not there contact us at info@phipilates.com.
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Pilates as Treatment for Back Pain in Clients with Sway Back Posture
Course Description
Sway Back posture is a common factor in clients with Back Pain and other chronic syndromes. In this online course, view a narrated power point to learn about the characteristics and problems in sway back posture and review concepts surrounding the causes and effects of this posture. Then go to the lab with Chrissy to watch the postural evaluation and Pilates based exercise treatment of a gentleman with sway back posture and chronic low back pain. Exercises shown are on the Mat, Reformer, Trapeze Table, and Ladder Barrel. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s.
Course Objectives
- Participants will identify and describe the Sway Back Posture.
- Participants will differentiate the Sway Back Posture from Lower Crossed Syndrome.
- Participants will identify weaknesses and length deficits of a client with the Sway Back Posture.
- Participants will apply exercises using the Reformer, Trap Table, Mat, and Ladder Barrel to improve Sway Back Posture and reduce low back pain.
- Participants will identify the components of Sway Back Posture that lead to low back pain.
Christine Romani-Ruby PT, MPT, ATC, NCPT
NPCP 3 and PHI 3
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Pilates for Pre and Post Natal Clients
Course Description
This 4.5 hour online course will teach the Pilates instructor how to work safely and effectively with a pre or post natal client. Learn the best ways to plan a program for a safe and effective exercise program. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass at 70% to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s. The quiz can be retaken until the 70% is obtained.
Course Objectives
- The student will describe the physiological changes in the mother throughout the pregnancy trimesters and after the baby is born.
- The student will list the benefits and risks of exercise to both the pregnant woman and the new mother.
- The student will describe the faulty postures that occur in the pregnant woman and after birth of the baby and relate them to changes in muscle balance.
- The student will design an exercise program for both the pre natal and post natal client that addresses postural changes and is attentive to contraindications.
Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed., MPT, ATC, NCPT
PHI 5, NPCP 4.5
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Take It To The Wall
Course Description
This course which is presented by Karen Sanzo, MS, PT, NCPT is designed to facilitate advanced thinking prior to advancing exercises. This course will provide you with a new awareness of the muscles that often lie dormant during many exercises. Discover the role of the hamstrings and gluteals during a bridge. What about that famous quadruped position? Learn how the hands can make a better connection to the shoulder. Research regarding motor control and spinal stabilization will be briefly reviewed. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass at 70% to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s. The quiz can be repeated until it is passed.
Course Objectives
- Define open/closed chain exercises.
- Experience how closing the chain can create different core connections.
- Understand the role of hamstrings and gluteus maximus during hip extension forces or active hip extension. Includes review of firing patterns.
- Discover ideal prop placement to enhance hip and shoulder opening.
- Review phases of motor control.
- Build an integrated wall exercise program from supine, quadruped, sitting and standing.
PHI 3 and NPCP 3
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Working with the Client with Forward Head Posture
Course Description
The forward head posture is one of the most common postural faults of our clients. It results from extended periods in sitting, age, and overtraining. We see it in the young, the old, the inactive and even in our best athletes. If untreated it will eventually cause muscle imbalance in the cervical spine and may lead to herniated discs, numbness and tingling in the arms, shoulder problems and headaches. In this online course, Chrissy Ruby discusses the muscle imbalances that create and feed the forward head posture in a narrated power point lecture. There is a handout for you to print to view with the narration. Then the camera follows Chrissy to her studio/clinic in Pittsburgh where she treats one of her clients using the Pilates reformer, pedipole, Cadillac, chair, mat, and ring. The course includes an online quiz and you must score 70% to obtain your certificate of completion. Multiple attempts are permitted on the quiz.
Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed., MPT, ATC, NCPT
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Low Back Pain: The Role of the Gluteals in Prevention and Rehabilitation
Course Description
Over 95 % of adults will experience low back pain at some time in their life. For many the length and strength of the gluteal musculature can be a contributing factor and the reason that the back pain persists. In this workshop, the Pilates instructor or physical therapist will identify shortness and weakness through Pilates movements and then use those movements to build muscle balance within their scope of practice. When working with a client with low back pain or doing a prevention program these exercises are key. Exercises in this course are on the mat, reformer, and Pilates chair. Many of the mat exercises use the Pilates loop resistance band. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass at 70% to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s. Multiple attempts at the quiz are permitted.
The course certificate will be emailed to you after the course content and quiz are complete. Please allow at least an hour for this email to arrive.
Course Objectives
- The student will list the multiple roles of the gluteal musculature in healthy function of the low back for daily activities.
- The student will identify poor movement patterns of the gluteals through observation of Pilates movements and activities of daily living.
- The student will identify the important role of the gluteus maximus in global movement patterns.
- The student will demonstrate Pilates exercises to strengthen, lengthen and balance the gluteals on the reformer, mat and chair.
- The student will identify lower extremity movement issues that may lead to problems in gluteal activation.
Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed., MPT, ATC, NCPT
NPCP 4 and PHI 4
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Pilates Props: Small Ball and Band Choreography
Course Description
This course is perfect for the novice Pilates Mat instructor, instructors who need more ideas for working in home environments, and for improved cueing and teaching skills. The course includes a downloadable e-book with photos and instructions and video clips of each of the exercises with cueing and descriptions. A loop band and small ball are needed to complete the exercises. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s.
Course Objectives
1. Student will demonstrate 17 exercises using the band or small ball.
2. Student will list and describe neutral posture in all body positions.
3. Student will describe the purpose of the use of props in a mat class setting and who they are appropriate for.
4. Student will list the benefits of each of the 17 exercises presented in the course.
5. Student will organize the props exercises into a full mat class.
Christine Romani-Ruby PT, MPT, ATC, NCPT
PHI 3 and NPCP 3
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Reformer Choreography
Course Description
This 2-hour workshop focuses on new choreography for your reformer group classes or privates. If things are getting a bit stale, this will be sure to freshen it up! Chrissy Ruby presents new twists on old exercises as well as brand new creations that will liven up your classes adding challenge and interest. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s.
Course Objectives
- Participants will demonstrate 21 new choreography exercises on the Reformer.
- Participants will define the idea of teaching by “using the move”.
- Participants will understand how a teacher should keep cadence with their voice and start combinations simple so that they can build.
- Participants will remember that purpose, safety, and client goals are all as important as fun choreography.
- Participants will define their demographic and understand how to use this to assist in choosing choreography.
Christine Romani-Ruby PT, MPT, ATC, NCPT
PHI 3 & NPCP 3
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

YUR BACK: The Perfect Program for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Course Description
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is a common disabling condition in the older adult. In this online workshop we will review the etiology of the condition, symptoms of clients with lumbar spinal stenosis and how they respond to movement. Then we will apply the YUR BACK Pilates program for safe and effective exercise, education and safe activities of daily living. We will discuss current research that presents spinal flexion and distraction as the most successful conservative treatments. The online course includes a 40 minute narrated lecture and 12 extended streamed movie clips between 5 and 8 minutes each of movement and exercise demonstration. To earn the CEU’s you must pass a 12 questions quiz at 70%. Three attempts are offered on the quiz.
Course Objectives
- The student will describe the etiology of lumbar spinal stenosis (neurogenic claudication) and how it differs from vascular claudication.
- The student will demonstrate mat based, reformer, ladder barrel, chair, trapeze table and integrated training exercises appropriate for the client with lumbar spinal stenosis.
- The student will provide examples of activities that the client could use to relieve painful symptoms during activities of daily living.
- The student will describe symptoms that would indicate that an exercise is not appropriate for the client lumbar spinal stenosis.
- The student will list related conditions that can cause lumbar spinal stenosis.
Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed. MPT, ATC, NCPT
NPCP 4 and PHI 4
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

YUR BACK: Clients with Osteoporosis, Prevention and Management
Course Description
Osteoporosis affects over 10 million americans, over 300,000 of them with hip fractures and over 700,000 with spine fractures. Exercise is one of the best preventative measures and can be very effective at slowing the loss of bone mineral density. In this course you will learn the safest and most effective strategies for prevention and management for clients wanting to prevent Osteoporosis or exercise with existing Osteoposis to build bone density. This course contains an online quiz/final examination that the student must pass at 70% to receive their certificate of completion and the NPCP CEC’s.
This course counts as renewal credit for the YUR BACK licensure program.
Course Content
Narrated Power point, Narrated and downloadable exercise clips on the mat and Pilates equipment, Multiple choice/true false online quiz
Course Objectives
1. The student will list the types of exericise that have demonstrated the ability to either slow or decrease bone loss.
2. The student will list the risk factors for acquiring Osteoporosis.
3. The student will list appopriate exercises for clients with either Osteopaenia or Osteoporosis.
4. The student will know signs of potential clients with Osteoporosis and how to keep them safe during exercise.
5. The student will understand the results of a bone density test and the importance of its administration.
Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby PT, D.Ed., MPT, ATC, NCPT
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited programwhere you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Managing the Client with a Herniated Lumbar Disc
Course Description
A herniated disc is a common injury to the lumbar spine and not all clients require surgery. At times the right exercise program can control and alleviate symptoms. In this course, learn the etiology and demographics of this spinal injury as well as how to prevent a disc herniation. Leave with the know how to create a Pilates program that will strengthen the client and improve posture without causing pain. Discover the benefits of adding the YUR BACK program to your practice.
Completion of this course will provide 4 NPCP continuing education credits.
Course Objectives
- The student will describe the etiology and demographics of herniated discs in the lumbar spine.
- The student will recognize red flags in clients with low back pain.
- The student will differentiate between centralizing pain and peripheralizing pain.
- The student will describe a moment and a movement.
- The student will demonstrate exercises appropriate for the client with a herniated lumbar disc.
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited programwhere you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.

Evidence Based Exercises for a Better Bottom
Course Description
The gluteals are a muscle group recognized as a key component for healthy movement and are also an area where our clients like to tone and shape. For this reason, we can never have enough choreography to challenge this area. In this online course we will study recent research defending the most effective ways to train the gluteals and then apply that to Pilates based choreography on the reformer and the mat. Go home with some effective and fun new choreography for your classes.
Completion of this course will provide 3 NPCP continuing education credits.
Course Objectives
- Identify the gluteal muscles, their origins and insertions, and functions.
- Define muscle agonists and antagonists with associated posture types.
- List the lower quarter dysfunctions common in athletes that are linked in research to the lack of recruitment of the gluteals.
- Present ten Pilates based mat, root disc, or reformer exercises to improve motor control of the gluteals in athletes.
- Identify proper positioning and cues for improved recruitment of the gluteal muscles during exercise.
Cost: $129.99 (When purchasing, you will be asked to join our PHI Pilates Community which will allow you to complete the course either on your computer or on your phone/tablet in the PHI Pilates Connect APP)
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.
If you are planning on taking more than one CEU course, consider purchasing our one year unlimited program where you can take as many courses as you like for $375.99. We are adding courses regularly.